Maude Manouvrier

Born in August 19, 1973, France
Married - Two childs

Assistant Professor at Paris IX Dauphine University
Coordonnées professionnelles

LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 
75775 Paris Cedex 16
01 44 05 41 85 -

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Nov. 1996 - Jan. 2000

Ph.D. studies in Computer Sciences at LAMSADE in the Database and Software Engineering group.

Subject: Similar Large Objects in Databases

Jury: Claudia Bauzer-Medeiros (reviewer - Professor at Campinas Univ. - Brazil), Wojciech Cellary (reviewer - Professor at the Economical Sciences of Poznan Univ. - Poland), Stéphane Gançarski (Professor Assistant at Paris 6 Univ.), Geneviève Jomier (supervisor - Professor at Paris -Dauphine Univ.), Jacques Le Maitre (Professor at Toulon and Var Univ.), Marta Rukoz (reviewer - Professor at the Central Univ. of Venezuela), Vangelis Paschos (Professor at Paris -Dauphine Univ.).


Master Degree "DEA Systèmes Intelligents" with distinction from the University of Paris-Dauphine.


Engineering Diploma "Diplôme d'Ingénieur Maître" in Mathematics and Computer Science with distinction from the "Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé" (IUP), University of Paris- Dauphine.


Master Degree with distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science "Maîtrise en Génie Mathématique et Informatique" from the "Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé" (IUP), University of Paris-Dauphine.


Baccalauréat C (mathematics), Paris


Transactional Web Service Composition and Content-Based Image Retrieval


Since 1996, I have been working on the management of similar large objects in databases, with Geneviève Jomier in the Databases and Software Engineering Group - LAMSADE and from 1998 until 2003 I have been working in an international CNRS -CONICIT cooperation with the team of Marta Rukoz, Professor at the Central University of Venezuela (accord numbers 5485, 7202, 8680 and 10058). Since 2009, I am working in international CNRS -CONICIT cooperation with the team of Yudith Cardinale, Professor at the Simon Bolivar University of Venezuela (accord number 22782).

During my doctoral studies, my research dealt with the management of similar large loosely or highly structured objects in databases. Then, my research interests was focused on indexing mechanisms for Content-Based Image Retrieval. Currently they are focus on Web Services for Transactional Composition.


A clear tendency observed in computer sciences is a shift from text data to multimedia, in particular images. This tendency concerns also databases. Data volume and availability more and more characterize today's databases. Crucial problems pointed out by all researchers concern the issue of organizing and manipulating this kind of data (e.g. storage, methods, data structure, retrieval and manipulation). This type of problems appears frequently in all kind of scientific applications -e.g. geography, medicine.

The main result of my thesis is the proposition of a set of structures that help managing similar large objects.

These kinds of objects appear in medical image databases. These images are processed in order to emphasize different image features facilitating medical diagnosis. As a result, one original image may give birth to many images successively processed according to different algorithms. Even more, an image may be decomposed into parts; the parts may be processed differently and eventually recomposed to emphasize some features. As a result, the database contains a great number of images that are interrelated and partially redundant. A database management system is required to support processing these images, while preserving their interrelations. In particular, it is required to efficiently support images comparison.

Images are large objects loosely structured. Quad-tree may encode them. We proposed a structure, called Generic Quad-Tree, is proposed in [JMR99, JMR00, MRJ02] (see publications) to store similar images. This work was done with Geneviève Jomier and in co-operation with the team of Professor Marta Rukoz from the Central University of Venezuela and was supported by the CNRS in France and the CONICIT in Venezuela. Two images are defined similar if, for both images, the quad-trees that encode them are similar, i.e. differ only for a relative small number of nodes. The Generic Quad-Tree optimizes the memory space of similar images and allows processing of operations on them, like images comparison, comparison of the same area in different images, or simultaneous updates in different images. An index is proposed in [JMO+04,JMO+05] for content-based image retrieval when images are organized by quadtree, and a survey on quadtree uses in image domain appears in [MRJ05] (see publications). Moreover, a generalized distance between images organized in quadtrees is proposed in [RMJ02,MRJ05b,RMJ06] (see publications).


Content-based image retrieval integrating spatial relationships between image objects

Content-based image retrieval can be improved by integrating the spatial layout of objects in the image. Several approaches have been proposed for integrating spatial relationships into the image description. A study of the representation fo spatial relationships on symbolic images have been done in [GBM+08] (in french). Then, my research interst have been lied on the spatial information embedded into image content description for scene retrieval [HGB+10]. This work has been done with Nguyen Vu Hoang (LAMSADE), Valérie Gouet-Brunet (CEDRIC-CNAM) and Marta Rukoz (LAMSADE).


Web Services for Transactional Composition

Transactional process in a peer-to-peer (P2P) requires algorithms to manage concurrent access to data and ensure a consistent process transactional. In such an environment, each pair is completely autonomous, can be both client and server and can appear or disappear at any time from the system, eliminating de facto the notions of master-slave or coordinator generally used in algorithms of distributed databases. Based on our experience in the field of nested transactions in distributed system, our goal is to offer models to control the concurrency and the QoS for Web services. The project is beginning. The first results appear in [EHM+07], EHG+08, EHM+10]. This work is done with Joyce El Haddad (LAMSADE) and Marta Rukoz (LAMSADE).

This work is currently supported by the Franco-Venezuelan CNRS-FONACIT Project with the research team of Yudith Cardinale from Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB). We currently address the issue of selecting and composing Web Services (WSs) considering functional and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements combined with transactional properties. In [CEH+10, CEH+11a], we formalize the WS functional, QoS, and transactional properties as well as the WS Composition problem, and we have extended Colored Petri Net (CPN) formalism to incorporate transactional WSs properties. This CPN-TWS selection algorithm that satisfies the user query functional conditions expressed as input and output attributes, QoS requirements represented by weights over criteria and, transactional properties expressed as a risk level. Another approach is presented in [BCV+10]. A state of the art on the composition of transactional Web services has also been presented in [CEH+11b] and in [CEH+13].

We have also oriented our work towards the application of operations research methods to the composition of transactional Web services, in collaboration with Virginie Gabrel and Cécile Murat, RO researchers from LAMSADE. This project was selected in 2010 as "Action de Recherche Fondamentale en Recherche Opérationelle" of the GDR RO (Group of french researchers in Operations Research). First results of this work was presented in a Master 2 training report on of Imen Megdiche about 0-1 integer programming for transactional web service composition (report written in french) in 2011 and published in [GMM+12]. Analysis of theorical complexity and new models were defined in [GMM13, GMM14, GMM15]. Our research project have been presented in API Days 2013 (Paris, Dec. 2013) -- to see the video.

With PhD students, we also proposes two frameworks: one for searching Data and Services with SPARQL [MGM14, MGM15] and one for for Transactional Service Selection Based on Crowdsourcing [AMR15].


To see my publications in chronological order

To see my DBLP referenced publications

To see my Google Scholar profile

Chapter in book


Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier and M. Rukoz Transactional-aware Web Service Composition: A Survey, in Handbook of Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-oriented Systems: Future Directions, IGI Global. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of Leicester, UK) and Marcel Tilly (EMIC Aachen, Germany), editor(s). Dec. 2011.


M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz and G. Jomier, Quadtree-Based Image Representation and Retrieval, in Spatial Databases: Technologies, Techniques and Trends, Book edited by Y. Manolopoulos, A. Papadopoulos and M. Vassilakopoulos, IDEA Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing and IRM Press, pages 81-106, 2005


Cellary W., Jomier G., Gançarski S., and Manouvrier M., Les Versions, Chapter 8 in the book Bases de Données et Internet, Modèles, langages et systèmes - Information Commande Communication, Hermes Science Publications, Editions Lavoisier, 2001, ISBN 2-7462-0283-2

Paper in journals


V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier and C. Murat,Web services composition: complexity and models.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 196, 11 December 2015, pages 100–114


Y. Cardinale, El Haddad J., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M.,Web Service Composition Based on Petri Nets: Review and Contribution.
Resource Discovery, LNCS 8194, pages 83-122, 2013 (extended papers of the works presented at the 5th Inter- national Workshop on Resource Discovery, held on May 27, 2012. (volume containing extended papers of the works presented at 5th International Workshop on Resource Discovery de 2012 through a two-step peer-review process)


Y. Cardinale, El Haddad J., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M., CPN-TWS: A Colored Petri-Net Approach for Transactional-QoS driven Web Service Composition, International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) 7(1):91-115, 2011


El Haddad J., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M., TQoS: Transactional and QoS-aware selection algorithm for automatic Web service composition, IEEE Transaction on Service Computing (TCS) 3(1):73-85, 2010 - Special Section on Transactional Web Services - Selectivity rate: 21% - Note de recherche LAMSADE N°45 (Draft version) - NB: This article has been plagiarized!!


N.V. Hoàng, V. Gouet, M. Rukoz and Manouvrier M., Embedding spatial information into image content description for scene retrieval, Pattern Recognition, 43(9):3013-3024, 2010.


Gouet-Brunet V., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M., Synthèse sur les modèles de représentation des relations spatiales dans les images symboliques, In Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information 14, 2008. Numéro Spécial "Les relations spatiales : de la modélisation à la mise en oeuvre" - 35 pages - A paraître - Rapport CEDRIC-CNAM No 1600 - Version étendue de 51 pages Rapport scientifique CEDRIC-CNAM No 1325


Rukoz M., Manouvrier M. and Jomier G., Delta-distance: A family of dissimilarity metrics between images represented by multi-level feature vectors, Information Retrieval 9(6), pages 633-655, 2006.


Manouvrier M., Rukoz M and Jomier G., Quadtree representations for storage and manipulation of clusters of images, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pages 513-527, May 2002


Jomier G., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M., Storage and Management of Similar Images, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS), Vol. 3 N° 6, pages 13-25, April 2000

Paper in Conference or Workshop Proceedings


Angarita R., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. A Framework for Transactional Service Selection Based on Crowdsourcing, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems (MobiWIS) 2015- LNCS 9228: 137-148.


Mouhoub, M. L., Grigori, D. and Manouvrier, M. LIDSEARCH: A SPARQL-driven Framework for searching Linked Data and Semantic Web Services, In the 12th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2015 - Demo Session.


Angarita R., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. Dynamic Composite Web Service Execution by Providing Fault-Tolerance and QoS Monitoring, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014 - PhD Symposium Track), Paris (France) 2014, LNCS 8954, pp 371-377.


Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., and Murat C. Optimal and automatic transactional web service composition with dependency graph and 0-1 linear programming, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014 - selectivity rate 15% ), Paris (France), 2014, LNCS 8954, pp 108-122.


Mouhoub, M. L., Grigori, D. and Manouvrier, M. A Framework for Searching Data and Services with SPARQL, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014 - selectivity rate 15% ), Paris (France), 2014, LNCS 8954, pp 123-138.


Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., and Murat C. Web Services Composition : Complexity and models, In Proceedings of 26th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO 2013), Paris (France), 2013


Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., Megdiche I., and Murat C. A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-aware web service composition, In Proceedings IEEE PEDISWESA in Conj. with 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), pages 845-850, 2012.


Blanco E., Cardinale Y., Vidal M-E., El Haddad J., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. A Transactional-QoS driven Approach for Web Service Composition, In Proc. of Third Int. Workshop on REsourse Discovery (RED 2010), Paris (France), pages 23-42, Nov. 2010. Appearing in vol. 6799 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011) after a second peer-review process.


Cardinale Y., El Haddad J., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. Web Service Selection for Transactional Composition, In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computational Science (ICCS 2010 - ERA 2010 A-ranked conference - Poster Session), The Netherlands, May-June 2010 - Procedia CS 1(1): 2689-2698. Note de recherche LAMSADE N°46 (Draft version)


El Haddad J., Ramirez G., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. QoS-driven Selection of Web Services for Transactional Composition, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS 2008 - selectivity rate 18%), pages 653 - 660, Beijing (China) 2008


El Haddad J., Manouvrier M., and Rukoz M. A Hierarchical Model for Transactional Web Service Composition in P2P Networks, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS 2007 - selectivity rate 18%), pages 346 - 353, Salt Lake City (USA), 2007. Cahier du Lamsade No 249. (Draft version)


Manouvrier M., Rukoz M. and Jomier, G.A Generalized Metric Distance between Hierarchically Partitioned Images., Proc. of 6th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining Mining Integrated Media and Complex Data (MDM/KDD2005), Chicago (USA), Aug. 2005. In conjunction with the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.


Jomier G., Manouvrier M., Oria V. and Rukoz M. Multilevel Index for Global and Partial Content-Based Image Retrieval, Proc. of the 1st IEEE Int. Workshop on Managing Data for Emerging Multimedia Applications (EMMA), Tokyo (Japan), pp. 66-75, April 8-9th 2005. In conjunction with 21th IEEE Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE).


Jomier G., Manouvrier M., Oria V. and Rukoz M. Indexation multi-niveau pour la recherche globale et partielle d'images par le contenu, 20ème journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA'04), pages 177-196, octobre 2004, Montpellier, France.


Rukoz M., Manouvrier M. and Jomier G. Distances de similarité d'images basées sur les arbres quaternaires, 18èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), pages 307-326, Evry, 2002


Jomier G., Manouvrier M., Rukoz M., Ramirez J. and Valero Y. MIS: Un prototipo de un sistema de manipulaciòn de imàgenes similares, XXV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informàtica, August- Sept. 1999, Paraguay


Jomier G., Manouvrier M. and Rukoz M., Stockage et gestion d'images par un Arbre Quaternaire Générique, 15èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), pages 405-424, Bordeaux, 1999



Manouvrier M., Objets similaires de grande taille dans les bases de données, Ph.D. thesis, Paris-Dauphine University, France, January 2000








  • IEEE Trans. on Service Computing (TSC) (since 2013)
  • World Wide Web Journal (since 2013)
  • Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing in 2012 and 2013
  • Knowledge and Information Systems (since 2008)
  • Pattern Recognition Letters (since 2004)
  • ACM Multimedia Systems Journal (2004 - for an extended version of a MIR2003 article)



  • Journées Bases de Données Avancées 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2005



From 1996 at University Paris-Dauphine:

  • Image Databases - year of master degree
  • Object-Relational Mapping - Hibernate - year of master degree
  • Relational Databases, DBMS SQL Server 6.0, Oracle 8 and PostgreSQL 8.3.4 - year of bachelor degree
  • Database System Implementation, Object-Oriented (DBMS O2) and Distributed Databases, - year of master degree
  • C++ programming - year of master degree
  • Algorithms, Data Structures and C programming - year of bachelor degree
  • Computer Architecture and Operating Systems -year of bachelor degree
  • Principles and Techniques of Compilers - year of master degree
  • Keeping up students summer internship - year of bachelor and master degree



Four months research internship at ACT (Accès Contrôle Télématique)
Montreal - Canada.
In charge of the software engineering development methodology.


Two months internship working with Thomson Multimédia.
In charge of SQL Windows 5.02 programming.


In charge of Internet and databases development at MOST: web-related server (HTML CGI), TCP/IP DLL and Databases API (Embedded SQL) programming.


In charge of helping student working with UNIX Network at the University Paris-Dauphine.


Four months internship at the Hebraic University of Jerusalem (Israel).
In charge of TCL/TK teaching and programming.

Last modified: Oct. 2015.