Participation to project with external funding


Ongoing projects:


THeory and Evidence to Measure Infuence in Social structures (THEMIS) financed by: ANR (The National Agency for Research) Programme Appel à projets générique 2020 - Intelligence Artificielle, start date: 29/3/2021, duration: 48 months, Main activity and responsibility: project coordinator. Project web site:


Previous projects:


Computation, Communication, Rationality and Incentives in Collective and Cooperative Decision Making (CoCoRICo-CoDec), ANR-13-BS02-004, financed by: ANR (The National

Agency for Research), start date: 10/2014, duration: 60 months, Main activity and responsibility: member of the project.


Advanced Multilateral Argumentation for Deliberation (AMANDE) ANR-13- BS02-0004,

financed by: ANR BLANC, start date: 12/2013, duration: 48 months, Main activity and

responsibility: work-package leader.


Orchestration d’algorithmes d’apprentissage distribués pour la gestion des ressources dans les réseaux mobiles (NETLEARN) ANR-13-INFR-004, financed by: ANR INFRA, start date:

12/2013, duration: 36 months, Main activity and responsibility: Partner leader.




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