Since 2004
DIMACS and LAMSADE have been running a joint research program on
Computer Science and Decision Theory (see
DIMACS/LAMSADE partnership). Already in October 2004 and
2006 we organized a joint workshop (see
We are now planning a more focused workshop on Algorithmic
Decision Theory which is also the main research subject of the
two laboratories cooperation as well as of the
COST Action IC0602.
Today's decision makers in
fields ranging from engineering to psychology to medicine to
economics to homeland security are faced with remarkable new
technologies, huge amounts of information to help them in
reaching good decisions, and the ability to share information at
unprecedented speeds and quantities. These tools and resources
should lead to better decisions. Yet, the tools bring with them
daunting new problems: the massive amounts of data available are
often incomplete or unreliable or distributed and there is great
uncertainty in them; interoperating/distributed decision makers
and decision making devices need to be coordinated; many sources
of data need to be fused into a good decision; information
sharing under new cooperation/competition arrangements raises
security problems. When faced with such issues, there are few
highly efficient algorithms available to support decisions. This
Action's objective is to improve the ability of decision makers
to perform in the face of these new challenges and problems
through the use of methods of theoretical computer science, in
particular algorithmic methods. The primary goal of the project
is to explore and develop algorithmic approaches to decision
problems arising in a variety of applications areas. Since many
of the decision problems investigated arise in Artificial
Intelligence, an important sub-goal is to explore the
cross-fertilisation of Decision Theory and Artificial
Intelligence. The new workshop aims to:
A volume of Annals of LAMSADE will be edited (as for the previous workshop). Possibly a special issue of a leading journal could be edited after the workshop.
Topics of
the workshop include, but are not limited to:
computational issues in consensus functions | |
automatic decision making | |
social choice and artificial intelligence | |
fair allocation of resources and fair partitioning | |
robust decision making | |
multi-agents learning | |
preference models in decision making, reasoning and knowledge extraction | |
qualitative decision theory | |
decision under risk and uncertainty (extreme events) | |
applications to recommender systems, semantic web and knowledge extraction |