Marc Serramia: Using rankings to select value-aligned norms.

16 March 21

Marc Serramia (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC))

Lundi 29 Mars 2021 10:00 via Teams


Norms have proven to be useful mechanisms to coordinate societies. However, when choosing the norms to enact, we should also consider their ethical implications, since the selected norms may promote or demote moral values. Therefore, this selection process must consider how norms relate to moral values as well as the society's value preferences, so that the chosen norms (the so-called norm system) are those that align best with these preferences. Knowing how norms relate to values, we can use ranking functions to transform the moral value preferences to norm preferences. In the obtained norm ranking, more preferred norms are the ones that better align with the moral value preferences. Thus, we can use these norm preferences to compose the most value-aligned norm system. Interestingly, the generality of these methods allows to adapt them to many other ethical reasoning and decision making problems.