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Julien Lesca is assistant professor at Paris Dauphine University in the LAMSADE research department. He works on algorithmic game theory and more precisely on algorithmic mechanism design and algorithmic cooperative game theory. During his PhD at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, supervised by Patrice Perny, he worked on linear programming formulation for some combinatorial problems where the aggregating function is non-affine.
Aziz H., Biro P., Lang J., Lesca J., Monnot J. (2019), Efficient reallocation under additive and responsive preferences, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 790, p. 1-15
Lesca J., Minoux M., Perny P. (2019), The Fair OWA One-to-One Assignment Problem: NP-Hardness and Polynomial Time Special Cases, Algorithmica, vol. 81, n°1, p. 98–123
Bouveret S., Cechlarova K., Lesca J. (2019), Chore division on a graph, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 33, n°5, p. 540-563
Beynier A., Chevaleyre Y., Gourvès L., Harutyunyan A., Lesca J., Maudet N., Wilczynski A. (2019), Local envy-freeness in house allocation problems, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 33, n°5, p. 591–627
Fujita E., Lesca J., Sonoda A., Todo T., Yokoo M. (2018), A Complexity Approach for Core-Selecting Exchange under Conditionally Lexicographic Preferences, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 63, p. 515–555
Lesca J., Perny P., Minoux M. (2013), Compact versus Noncompact LP Formulations for Minimizing Convex Choquet Integrals, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 161, n°1-2, p. 184-199
Cardi P., Gourvès L., Lesca J. (2022), On Fair and Efficient Solutions for Budget Apportionment, in , IFAAMAS, 1560 p.
Meir R., Lang J., Lesca J., Mattei N., Kaminsky N. (2021), A Market-Inspired Bidding Scheme for Peer Review Paper Assignment, in , Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press, 4776-4784 p.
Gourvès L., Lesca J., Wilczynski A. (2021), On Fairness via Picking Sequences in Allocation of Indivisible Goods, in Dimitris Fotakis, David Ríos Insua, Springer, 258-272 p.
Cardi P., Gourvès L., Lesca J. (2021), Worst-case Bounds for Spending a Common Budget, in U. Endriss, A. Nowé, F. Dignum, A. Lomuscio, IFAAMAS, 288-296 p.
Cechlárová K., Gourvès L., Lesca J. (2019), On the Problem of Assigning PhD Grants, in Sarit Kraus, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI), 130-136 p.
Lesca J., Todo T. (2018), Service Exchange Problem, in Lang, Jérôme, 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’18) - proceedings, Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press / IJCAI, 354–360 p.
Beynier A., Chevaleyre Y., Gourvès L., Lesca J., Maudet N., Wilczynski A. (2018), Local Envy-Freeness in House Allocation Problems, in Mehdi Dastani, Gita Sukthankar, Elisabeth André, Sven Koenig, 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'18), IFAAMAS, 292-300 p.
Gourvès L., Lesca J., Wilczynski A. (2017), Object Allocation via Swaps along a Social Network, in Carles Sierra, Proceedings of the the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’17), Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press / IJCAI, 213-219 p.
Lesca J., Perny P., Yokoo M. (2017), Coalition Structure Generation and CS-core: Results on the Tractability Frontier for games represented by MC-nets, in Kate Larson, Michael Winikoff, Sanmay Das, Edmund Durfee, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'17), New York, NY, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, 308-316 p.
Gourvès L., Lesca J., Wilczynski A. (2016), Strategic voting in a social context: considerate equilibria, in Kaminka, Gal A. ; Fox, Maria ; Bouquet, Paolo ; Hüllermeier, Eyke ; Dignum, Virginia ; Dignum, Frank ; van Harmelen, Frank, Volume 285: ECAI 2016 - 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, IOS Press, 1423-1431 p.
Faliszewski P., Gourvès L., Lang J., Lesca J., Monnot J. (2016), How Hard Is It for a Party to Nominate an Election Winner?, in Subbarao Kambhampati, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, 9-15 July 2016, AAAI Press / IJCAI, 257-263 p.
Aziz H., Biro P., Lang J., Lesca J., Monnot J. (2016), Optimal Reallocation under Additive and Ordinal Preferences, in Catholijn M. Jonker, Stacy Marsella, John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, AAMAS '16 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents And Multiagent Systems, Singapore, May 9-13, 2016, IFAAMAS, 402-410 p.
Lesca J., Fujita E., Sonoda A., Todo T., Yokoo M. (2015), A Complexity Approach for Core-Selecting Exchange with Multiple Indivisible Goods under Lexicographic Preferences, in , Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’15), Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press, 907-913 p.
Lesca J., Todo T., Yokoo M. (2014), Coexistence of Utilitarian Efficiency and False- name-proofness in Social Choice, in Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri, Ana Bazzan, Michael Huhns, Proceedings in the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’14), IFAAMAS, 1201-1208 p.
Galand L., Lesca J., Perny P. (2013), Dominance Rules for the Choquet Integral in Multiobjective Dynamic Programming, in , Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), AAAI Press / IJCAI, 538-544 p.
Lesca J., Perny P. (2012), Almost-truthful Mechanisms for Fair Social Choice Functions, in Luc De Raedt, Christian Bessiere, Didier Dubois, Patrick Doherty, Paolo Frasconi, Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’12), Zurich, IOS Press, 522-527 p.
Lesca J., Perny P. (2010), LP Solvable Models for Multiagent Fair Allocation problems, in Helder Coelho, Rudi Studer, Michael Wooldridge, Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’10), IOS Press, 393-398 p.
Fouchal H., Galand L., Lesca J., Perny P. (2012), Règles de dominance pour la recherche de solutions Choquet-optimales en optimisation combinatoire multi-objectifs, Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2012), Angers, France