Curriculum vitae

Tannous Scarlett

Phd Student

Latest publications


Tannous S., Merad M., Hayes J. (2024), A comparative analysis of risk prevention policy tools and governance structures in Normandy (France) and Victoria (Australia): Assessing policies for high-risk sites, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 110, p. 104600

Tannous S., Manneh R., Harajli H., El Zakhem H. (2018), Comparative cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of traditional grid-connected and solar stand-alone street light systems: A case study for rural areas in Lebanon, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 186, p. 963-977

Communications avec actes

Tannous S., Merad M., Hayes J. (2022), Major accidents and risk prevention policies in the chemical and petrochemical industry in France: Paving the way towards an assessment framework, in Maria Chiara Leva, Edoardo Patelli, Luca Podofillini, Simon Wilson, elsevier, Singapore, Research publishing, 136-143 p.

Communications sans actes

Tannous S., Merad M. (2022), Have the risk policy shifts related to Seveso Upper Tier establishments in France led to an improvement in risk prevention? A focus on three risk prevention tools, 32ème Congrès Lambda Mu de l’IMdR, Paris, France

Tannous S., Besseau R., Prieur-Vernat A., Clavreul J., Payeur M., Blanc I., Perez-Lopez P. (2019), A parameterized model for the estimation of life cycle environmental impacts of crystalline PV systems, 36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2019), Marseille

Tannous S. (2017), Comparative Life Cycle Assessment for Traditional Grid-Connected High Pressure Sodium and Solar Stand-Alone LED Streetlight Systems: A Case Study for Rural Areas in Lebanon., 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10), Barcelona, Espagne

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