Curriculum vitae

Zam Michel

Professeur associé


Passionate educator and pragmatic computer scientist with emphasis in teaching.

Dernières publications


Santanchè A., Longo J., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M., Bauzer Medeiros C. (2014), Multi-focus Research and Geospatial Data - anthropocentric concerns, Journal of Information and Data Management, vol. 5, n°2, p. 146-160

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Abdessalem T., Bauzer-Medeiros C., Cellary W., Manouvrier M., Rukoz M., Zamfiroiu M. (2019), Les Versions de Bases de Données, in Isabelle Huault, Bruno Bouchard, 50 ans de recherche à Dauphine : Hier, Aujourd'hui et Demain, Paris: Université Paris-Dauphine, p. 44-48

Communications avec actes

Digkoglou P., Tsoukiàs A., Zam M., Dargam F., Papathanasiou J., Beutle S., Stanojevic M., Wittine Z., Sorić P., Chryssikos G. (2024), Unlocking the potential of the low-code approach for a more open and innovative higher education system, in Sérgio Pedro Duarte ; Pascale Zaraté ; António Lobo ; Boris Delibašić ; Tomasz Wachowicz ; Marta Campos Ferreira, Proceedings of ICDSST 2019

Zam M. (2022), Enlightening Modeling the Aristotelian Way with Light-Code, in Thomas Kühn ; Vasco Sousa, 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 107-114 p.

Zamfiroiu M. (2022), Teaching modeling to anyone the aristotelian way: anyone can cook a sound model, in Thomas Kühn ; Vasco Sousa, New York, NY, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, 107-114 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2012), The United States of a Meta-model build with MyDraft An agile model-driven cloud-based platform for data-oriented rich web applications, in , SPLASH 2012 - DSM, Tucson, ACM, 25-26 p.

Bauzer-Medeiros C., Jomier G., Santanchè A., Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Challenges of the Anthropocene epoch – supporting multi-focus research, in Claudio Campelo and Laercio Namikawa, GEOINFO XIII -- 2012, Campos do Jordao, GeoInfo, 1-10 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2011), Software objects fairy tales: merging design and runtime objects into the cloud with mydraft, in , SPLASH 2011, Tucson, ACM, 43-44 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2010), Coevolutive Meta-execution Support - Towards a Design and Execution Continuum, in Virvou, Maria, ICSOFT 2010 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 2, Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010, Athènes, SciTePress, 143-150 p.

Communications sans actes

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), The xDD game - A State of the Union. A Conspiracy-Driven Design Exploration for a Unified xDD Meta-model: a Position Paper, SPLASH 2012 - xDD, Tucson, États-Unis

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Design and Run Your Object Models in the Cloud with MyDraft - An Agile Model-driven Cloud-based Platform for Data-oriented Rich Web Applications, The 16th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2012), Las Vegas, États-Unis

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2009), Evolutivité des applications Web : un méta-modèle exécutable, XXVIIeme congrès INFORSID 2009, Toulouse, France

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Tissons ensemble le nuage de l’intérieur, in Séminaire Université Paris-Dauphine "Cloud & BigData", Paris

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