June 6th, Paris Santé Campus
LAMSADE, Séminaires, Aide à la décision
Polarization in Networks: Identification-alienation Framework - Ali Ozkes (EMLV and LAMSADE)
12 avril 2022
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Séminaires, Optimisation combinatoire
Testing first-order definable properties on bounded degree graphs
11 avril 2022
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Optimisation combinatoire
Adapting the Directed Grid Theorem into an FPT algorithm
28 mars 2022
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Jeux et Choix Social
Nic Wilson: Enforcing Natural Properties of Choices Functions, and its Application for the Combination of Choice Functions
14 mars 2022
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Optimisation combinatoire
On the complexity of finding large odd induced subgraphs and odd colorings
14 mars 2022
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