June 6th, Paris Santé Campus
Optimisation combinatoire
A weak box-perfect graph theorem
9 mai 2023
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Optimisation combinatoire
Extended formulations for Graph Partitioning and Max-Cut in Sparse Graphs : Size reduction and efficiency improvements
9 mai 2023
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Optimisation combinatoire
Clique maximum et coloration de graphes orientés et non orientés : théorie structurelle et algorithmes
9 mai 2023
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Jeux et Choix Social
Anaëlle Wilczynski: A Hotelling-Downs game for strategic candidacy with binary issues
4 mai 2023
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LAMSADE, Séminaires, Aide à la décision
Temporal Shortest Path Interdiction - Clemens Thielen, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
4 avril 2023
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