Publications of year 1970
Books and proceedings
  1. M. Crozier. La société bloquée. Seuil, Paris, 1970.
    author = {Crozier, M.},
    title = {La société bloquée},
    publisher = {Seuil, Paris},
    year = {1970} 

  2. P.C. Fishburn. Utility Theory for Decision Making. Wiley, New York, 1970.
    author = {{P.C}. Fishburn},
    title = {Utility Theory for Decision Making},
    publisher = {Wiley, New York},
    year = {1970} 

  3. A.O Hirsmann. Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1970.
    author = {{A.O} Hirsmann},
    title = {Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States},
    publisher = {Harvard University Press, Cambridge},
    year = {1970} 

  4. H. Raiffa. Decision Analysis - Introductory lectures on choices under uncertainty. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1970.
    Note: Traduction française: Analyse de la décision : introduction aux choix en avenir incertain, Dunod, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Raiffa, H.",
    TITLE="Decision Analysis - Introductory lectures on choices under uncertainty",
    PUBLISHER="Addison Wesley",
    ADDRESS="Reading, MA",
    NOTE="traduction fran\c{c}aise: {A}nalyse de la d\'ecision : introduction aux choix en avenir incertain, {D}unod, 1973" 

  5. E. Roba, B. Sussmann, and M. Theys. Les Méthodes de Choix Multicritère Appliquées à la Sélection du Personnel: Models of Manpower. The English University Press, London, 1970.
    author="Roba, E. and Sussmann, B. and Theys, M. ",
    title="Les M\'ethodes de Choix Multicrit\`ere Appliqu\'ees \`a la S\'election du Personnel: Models of Manpower",
    publisher="The English University Press, London",

  6. B. Roy. Algèbre moderne et théorie des graphes orientées vers les sciences économiques et sociales. Tome 2 : Applications et problèmes spécifiques. Dunod, Paris, 1970.
    Note: 784 pages.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Alg\`ebre moderne et th\'eorie des graphes orient\'ees vers les sciences \'economiques et sociales. Tome 2 : Applications et probl\`emes sp\'ecifiques},
    note={784 pages} 

  7. A.K. Sen. Collective Choice and Social Welfare. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.
    author = {{A.K.} Sen},
    title = {Collective Choice and Social Welfare},
    publisher = {North Holland, Amsterdam},
    year = {1970} 

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. B. Roy, R. Benayoun, and J. Tergny. From S.E.P. procedure to the mixed OPHELIE program. In Integer and nonlinear programming, pages 419-436. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.
    @incollection {MR55:9968,
    AUTHOR = {B. Roy and R. Benayoun and J. Tergny},
    TITLE = {From {S}.{E}.{P}. procedure to the mixed {O}{P}{H}{E}{L}{I}{E} program},
    BOOKTITLE = {Integer and nonlinear programming},
    PAGES = {419-436},
    PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
    ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
    YEAR = {1970} 

  2. A.B. Atkinson. On the measurement of inequality. Journal of Economic Theory, 2:244-263, 1970.
    author={Atkinson, {A.B}.},
    title={On the measurement of inequality},
    journal={Journal of Economic Theory},

  3. R.E. Bellman and L.A. Zadeh. Decision-Making in a Fuzzy Environment. Management Science, 17, 1970.
    AUTHOR="Bellman, {R.E}. and Zadeh, {L.A}.",
    TITLE="{D}ecision-{M}aking in a {F}uzzy {E}nvironment",
    JOURNAL="Management {S}cience",

  4. R. Benayoun, J. Tergny, and D. Keuneman. Mathematical Programming with Multi-Objective Functions: a solution by POP (Progressive Orientation Procedure). Revue METRA, 9(2):279-299, 1970.
    AUTHOR="Benayoun, R. and Tergny, J. and Keuneman, D.",
    TITLE="Mathematical Programming with Multi-Objective Functions: a solution by {POP} ({P}rogressive {O}rientation {P}rocedure)",
    JOURNAL="Revue METRA",

  5. K.C. Chu. On the noninferior set for the systems with vector-valued objective function. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, AC-15(5):591-593, 1970.
    author = {K.C. Chu},
    title = {On the noninferior set for the systems with vector-valued objective function},
    journal = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Control},
    volume = {AC-15},
    pages = {591-593},
    year = {1970} 

  6. H.J Einhorn. The use of non linear noncompensatory models in decision making. Psychological Bulletin, 73:221--230, 1970.
    author = {{H.J} Einhorn},
    title = {The use of non linear noncompensatory models in decision making},
    journal = {Psychological Bulletin},
    volume = {73},
    pages = {221--230},
    year = {1970} 

  7. B. Roy. De la procédure SEP au programme OPHELIE mixte. Revue METRA, 9(1):141-156, 1970.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={De la proc\'edure {SEP} au programme {OPHELIE} mixte},
    journal={Revue METRA},

  8. P. Schonfeld. Some duality theorems for the non-linear vector maximum problem. Unternehmensforschung, 14(1):51-63, 1970.
    author = {P. Schonfeld},
    title = {Some duality theorems for the non-linear vector maximum problem},
    journal = {Unternehmensforschung},
    volume = {14},
    pages = {51-63},
    year = {1970} 

  9. G.A. Whitmore. Third order stochastic dominance. The American Economic Review, 60:457--459, 1970.
    author="Whitmore, G.A.",
    title="Third order stochastic dominance",
    journal="The American Economic Review",



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Last modified: Sun Nov 1 08:22:32 2009 by theme1.
This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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