Publications of year 1973
Books and proceedings
  1. J.L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny. Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 1973.
    author = {{J.L}. Cochrane and M. Zeleny},
    title = {Multiple Criteria Decision Making},
    publisher = {University of South Carolina Press, Columbia},
    year = {1973} 

  2. W.L. Hays. Statistics for the Social Siences. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, New York, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Hays, W.L.",
    TITLE="Statistics for the {S}ocial {S}iences",
    PUBLISHER="Holt, {R}inehart, {W}inston",
    ADDRESS="New York",

  3. O. Neurath. Empiricism and Sociology. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973.
    author={Neurath, O.},
    title={Empiricism and Sociology},
    publisher={Reidel, Dordrecht},

  4. O. Neurath. Empiricism and Sociology. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973.
    author={Neurath, O.},
    title={Empiricism and Sociology},
    publisher={Reidel, Dordrecht},

  5. L. Sfez. Critique de la décision. Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris, 1973.
    author="L. Sfez",
    title="Critique de la d\'ecision",
    publisher="Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris" 

  6. M. Ross, editor. OR'72. North-Holland publishing Company, 1973.
    editor="M. Ross",
    publisher="North-Holland publishing Company",

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. K.R. MacCrimmon. An overview of multiple objective decision making. In J. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors,Multiple Criteria Decision Making, pages 18-44. University of South Carolina Press, Colombia, 1973.
    Author = {MacCrimmon, K.R.},
    Title = {An overview of multiple objective decision making},
    BookTitle = {Multiple Criteria Decision Making},
    Editor = {Cochrane, J. and Zeleny, M.},
    Publisher = {University of South Carolina Press},
    Address = {Colombia},
    Pages = {18-44},
    Year = {1973} 

  2. S. Smale. Optimizing several functions. In Manifolds, pages 69-75. Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1973.
    author = {S. Smale},
    title = {Optimizing several functions},
    booktitle = {Manifolds},
    publisher={Univ. of Tokyo Press},
    pages = {69-75},
    year = {1973},

  3. M. Zeleny. Compromise Programming. In J. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors,Multiple Criteria Decision Making, pages 262-301. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 1973.
    Author = {Zeleny, M.},
    Title = {Compromise Programming},
    BookTitle = {Multiple Criteria Decision Making},
    Editor = {Cochrane, J. and Zeleny, M.},
    Publisher = {University of South Carolina Press},
    Address = {Columbia},
    Pages = {262-301},
    Year = {1973} 

  4. S. M. Belenson and K. Kapur. An Algorithm for Solving Multicriteria Linear Programming Problems with Examples. Operations Research Quarterly, 24(1):65-77, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Belenson, S. M. and Kapur, K. ",
    TITLE="An Algorithm for Solving Multicriteria Linear Programming Problems with Examples",
    JOURNAL="Operations Research Quarterly",

  5. Y. Bétolaud and R. Février. Conservation des forêts suburbaines et passage des autoroutes. Revue Forestière Française, pp 197-200, 1973.
    author="B\'etolaud, Y. and F\'evrier, R.",
    title="Conservation des for\^ets suburbaines et passage des autoroutes",
    journal="Revue Foresti{\`e}re Fran\c{c}aise",

  6. C.H. Coombs and J.E.K Smith. On the detection of structures in attitudes and developmental processes. Psychological Reviews, 80:337-351, 1973.
    author = {{C.H}. Coombs and {J.E.K} Smith},
    title = {On the detection of structures in attitudes and developmental processes},
    journal = {Psychological Reviews},
    year = {1973},
    volume = {80},
    pages = {337-351} 

  7. J.S. Dyer. A Time-Sharing Computer Program for the Solution of the Multiple Criteria Problem. Management Science, 19(12):1379-1383, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Dyer, J.S.",
    TITLE="A Time-Sharing Computer Program for the Solution of the Multiple Criteria Problem",
    JOURNAL="Management Science",

  8. J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer. A Revised Simplex Method for Multiple Objective Programs. Mathematical Programming, 5(1):54-72, 1973.
    author= {J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer},
    year= {1973},
    title= {A Revised Simplex Method for Multiple Objective Programs},
    journal= {Mathematical Programming},
    volume= {5},
    number= {1},
    pages= {54-72} 

  9. P.C. Fishburn. Interval representations for interval orders and semiorders. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 10:91-105, 1973.
    author = {{P.C}. Fishburn},
    title = {Interval representations for interval orders and semiorders},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    year = {1973},
    volume = {10},
    pages = {91-105} 

  10. J. Focke. Vektormaximumproblem und parametrische Optimierung. Math. Oper. und Statist., 4(5):365-369, 1973.
    author = {J. Focke},
    title = {Vektormaximumproblem und parametrische Optimierung},
    journal = {Math. Oper. und Statist.},
    volume = {4},
    pages = {365-369},
    year = {1973},

  11. A.M. Geoffrion, J.S. Dyer, and A. Feinberg. An interactive approach for multicriteria optimization with an application to the operation of an accademic department. Management Science, 19:357--369, 1973.
    author = {{A.M}. Geoffrion and {J.S}. Dyer and A. Feinberg},
    title = {An interactive approach for multicriteria optimization with an application to the operation of an accademic department},
    journal = {Management Science},
    volume = {19},
    pages = {357--369},
    year = {1973} 

  12. A. Gibbard. Manipulation of voting schemes: A general result. Econometrica, 41:587-601, 1973.
    author={Gibbard, A.},
    title={Manipulation of voting schemes: A general result},

  13. E. Jacquet-Lagrèze. Le problème de l'agrégation des préférences : une classe de procédures à seuils. Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, 43:29-37, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Jacquet-Lagr\`eze, E.",
    TITLE="Le probl\`eme de l'agr\'egation des pr\'ef\'erences : une classe de proc\'edures \`a seuils",
    JOURNAL="Math\'ematiques et Sciences Humaines",

  14. S. Lichtenstein and P. Slovic. Response-induced reversals of preference in gambling: An extended replication in Las Vegas. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 101:16-20, 1973.
    author="S. Lichtenstein and P. Slovic",
    title="Response-induced reversals of preference in gambling: An extended replication in {L}as {V}egas",
    journal="Journal of Experimental Psychology",

  15. R.D. Luce. Three axiom systems for additive semiordered structures. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 25:41--53, 1973.
    author = {Luce, R.D.},
    year = 1973,
    title = {Three axiom systems for additive semiordered structures},
    journal = {SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics},
    volume = 25,
    pages = {41--53} 

  16. R.O. Mason and I.I. Mitroff. A Program for Research on Management Information Systems. Management Science, 19:475--487, 1973.
    author = {Mason, R.O. and Mitroff, I.I.},
    title = {A Program for Research on Management Information Systems},
    journal = {Management Science},
    volume = {19},
    pages = {475--487},
    year = {1973} 

  17. D.E. Monarchi, C.C. Kisiel, and L. Duckstein. Interactive Multiobjective Programming in Water Resources: A Case Study. Water Resources Research, 9(4):837-850, 1973.
    AUTHOR="Monarchi, D.E. and Kisiel, C.C. and Duckstein, L.",
    TITLE="Interactive Multiobjective Programming in Water Resources: A Case Study",
    JOURNAL="Water Resources Research",

  18. B. Roy and D. Galland. Enumération des chemins e-minimum admissibles entre deux points. RAIRO, 5(3):3-20, 1973.
    author={B. Roy and D. Galland},
    title={Enum\'eration des chemins e-minimum admissibles entre deux points},

  19. V. Srinivasan and A.D. Shocker. Estimating the weights for multiple attributes in a composite criterion using pairwise judgments. Psychometrika, 38(4):473-493, 1973.
    author="V. Srinivasan and A.D. Shocker",
    title="Estimating the weights for multiple attributes in a composite criterion using pairwise judgments",

  20. V. Srinivasan and A.D. Shocker. Linear programing techniques for multidimensional analysis of preferences. Psychometrika, 38(3):337-369, 1973.
    author="V. Srinivasan and A.D. Shocker",
    title="Linear programing techniques for multidimensional analysis of preferences",

  21. R.E. Wendell and A.P. Hurter. Location Theory, Dominance, and Convexity. Operations Research, 21:314-320, 1973.
    author={Wendell , R.E. and Hurter, A.P.},
    title={Location Theory, Dominance, and Convexity},
    journal={Operations Research},

  22. P.L. Yu. A Class of Solutions for Group Decision Making. Management Science, 19(8):936-946, 1973.
    author={Yu, P.L.},
    title={A Class of Solutions for Group Decision Making},
    journal="Management Science",

Conference's articles
  1. J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer. Generating Efficient Extreme Points in Linear Multiple Objective Programming: Two Algorithms and Computing Experience. In J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, pages 349-365, 1973. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.
    author= {J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer},
    year= {1973},
    title= {Generating Efficient Extreme Points in Linear Multiple Objective Programming: Two Algorithms and Computing Experience},
    editor= {J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny},
    publisher= {University of South Carolina Press, Columbia},
    booktitle= {Multiple Criteria Decision Making},
    pages= {349-365} 

  2. B. Roy and P. Bertier. La méthode ELECTRE II - Une application au média-planning. In Ross M., editor, OR'72, pages 291-302, 1973. North-Holland Publishing Company.
    author="B. Roy and P. Bertier",
    title="La m\'ethode {ELECTRE II} - Une application au m\'edia-planning",
    editor="Ross M.",
    publisher="North-Holland Publishing Company",

  3. M. Zeleny. Compromise Programming. In J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, pages 262-301, 1973. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC.
    AUTHOR="Zeleny, M.",
    TITLE="Compromise Programming",
    BOOKTITLE="Multiple Criteria Decision Making",
    EDITOR="Cochrane, J. L. and Zeleny, M.",
    PUBLISHER="University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC",

Internal reports
  1. M. Ventura. Evry 1: Concours d'aménagement urbain. Cahier 31, Institut d'Amenagement et d'Urbanisme de la Région Parisienne (IAURP), Paris, 1973.
    author="Ventura, M.",
    title="Evry 1: Concours d'am\'enagement urbain",
    type="Cahier 31",
    institution="Institut d'Amenagement et d'Urbanisme de la R\'egion Parisienne (IAURP), Paris",



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