Laurent Gourvès

Position: CNRS Researcher (DR)

Affiliation: LAMSADE, CNRS UMR 7243, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Address: Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 75016 Paris, France

Phone: +33(0) 1 44 05 41 62

E-mail: or

Office: P220


Interests: Combinatorial optimization, approximation, Algorithmic aspects of games, decision, and social choice

Publications: list, dblp, HAL

Projects: PSL/UCL Traff. and OC Nets [2021-23], ANR THEMIS [2021-24], PSL-CNRS COAL-GAS [2024], ANR COCORICO [2014-2019], ANR COCA [2009-13] (coordinator), ANR GUEPARD [2009-13], PSL MULTIFAC [2017-18], PGMO DAMPER [2018-21], PHC STEFANIK [2018-19]

Program committee membership: AAAI [2015-17-19-20-21], AAMAS [2019-21-22-23-24-25], ACM EC 2012, ADT 2021, COSI [2009-10-11-12], ECAI [2016-23-24], FCT 2021, IJCAI [2016-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24], ISCO 2016, MFCS 2016, SAGT [2019-22], SING13, WAOA 2014, WINE [2011-15]


Current: Past: Vice director of LAMSADE [2015-2019]

Supervision and teaching

Professeur attaché at PSL [2022-), teaching details here


Tribute to Jérôme Monnot: Conference, Special issue of TCS, 1024

Workshop for Mike Fellows' DHC

CNRS tools: Ariane, Agate-Tempo, BibCNRS, Crac