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[2024-2025] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris
Dauphine, Course (15 hours) and TD (12 hours)
[2024-2025] PhD Seminars, SDOSE Doctoral School, 14 seminars
[2023-2024] Atelier AGAPE, Master MODO
[2023-2024] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris
Dauphine, Course (15 hours) and TD (12 hours)
[2023-2024] PhD Seminars, SDOSE Doctoral School, 18 seminars
[2022-2023] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO, 3 hours (the other 12 hours are done by A. Fanelli)
[2022-2023] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris Dauphine, Course (15 hours) and TD (12 hours)
[2022-2023] PhD Seminars, SDOSE Doctoral School, 13 seminars
[2022-2023] Atelier AGAPE, Master MODO
[2021-2022] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO, 15 hours (evenly shared with A. Fanelli)
[2021-2022] Atelier AGAPE, Master MODO, 7.5 hours
[2021-2022] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris Dauphine, 24 hours
[2021-2022] PhD Seminars, SDOSE Doctoral School, 19 seminars
[2020-2021] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO, 15 hours
[2020-2021] Atelier AGAPE, Master MODO, 7.5 hours
[2020-2021] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris Dauphine, 24 hours
[2019-2020] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and ED SDOSE, 18 hours
[2019-2020] Atelier AGAPE, Master MODO, 6 hours
[2019-2020] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris Dauphine, 24 hours
[2016-2017] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 15 hours
[2015-2016] Summer school Game theory and Algorithms, 4 hours
[2014-2015] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 18 hours (with S. Moretti)
[2013-2014] Algorithmic game theory, at Politecnico di Milano, (with S. Moretti)
[2012-2013] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 18 hours (with S. Moretti)
[2012-2013] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), 36 hours
[2011-2012] Combinatorial optimization, ENSTA, 12 hours
[2011-2012] Scientific Management and Decision Aid (MSAD), Université Paris Dauphine, 39 hours
[2011-2012] Linear Programming, Université Paris Dauphine, 22 hours
[2010-2011] Combinatorial optimization, ENSTA, 12 hours
[2010-2011] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 18 hours (with J. Monnot)
[2009-2010] Combinatorial optimization, ENSTA, 18 hours
[2009-2010] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 18 hours (with J. Monnot)
[2008-2009] Combinatorial optimization, ENSTA, 21 hours
[2007-2008] Combinatorial optimization, ENSTA, 21 hours
[2007-2008] Algorithmic game theory, Master MODO and Eddimo, 18 hours
[2006-2007] Algorithmic game theory Eddimo, 12 hours
[2002-2006] I taught computer science at the Université d'Evry, approx 300 hours