SDDS-2005 V 1.1

SDDS-2005 V 1.1 is new release of our 1st prototype manager of Scalable Distributed Data Structures (SDDSs). It runs on local networks of Windows 2000 or Windows XP machines. The application manipulates data through an SDDS-2005 client on its computer. Data reside at the SDDS-2005 servers. Servers keep data in the distributed RAM, for access times up to hundred times faster than to disk files. The data distribution is scalable. Your file may spread at any number of SDDS-2000 servers you create at your network. The scaling is transparent to the application. These capabilities are unique to SDDS-2005 at present.

SDDS-2005 V 1.1 provides the scalable range partitioning according to RP*n and RP*c SDDS schemes. Your application sees an RP* file as a familiar B-tree. Main addition to Version 1.0 is that you can now also back up the SDDSfiles on the disk. The backup uses algebraic signatures, to write back only the data that was modified since the last backup. Your network level should support the multicast. It is usually the default for a local Windows network. Contact your system administrator if in doubt. 

SDDS2005 provides all functions of SDDS 2004 and adds on some new capabilities. In particular, the client may encode/decode the records, using the technique of the cumulative signatures. The stored records are then protected against the incidental viewing at the servers. The encoding further allows for the parallel/distributed non key string search possibly faster than it could be on the original data. The string search capabilities of SDDS-2005 are the: prefix search, string search, longest common prefix search and the longest common string search.

The SDDS-2005 V 1.1 installation file to download is .zip compressed. Its size is 14 MB. We do not recommend using the 56 KB modem. If it is your only Internet link. 

To decompress, use Winzip or a similar shareware utility. The decompressed files will create the \Install SDDS-2005 directory at you disk. After the decompression start with reading the Readme file.

The \Install SDDS-2005 directory will contain the SDDS-2005 V 1.1 Client and Server modules. It will also have the Name Server module. Each module installs separately. Install the Client module at each machine where you wish to have the SDDS-2005 client. Likewise, install the Server module at each machine where you wish the data to reside. Client and server can share a machine, but not two servers. Choose also a machine for the Name server. That one can also have a client or a server, or both. After the installation, the modules run as usual Windows services.

The directory will also contain the SDDS-2005 Application. Use it interactively to test the installation of multiple clients and servers. Use it also to practice the SDDSs in general. 

Finally, you should see in the \Install SDDS-2005\Calling Interface directory the .h files. This is the interface to the SDDS-2005 V 1.1 client. Include these files into your own favorite application using SDDS-2005 V 1.1. The fileSDDS-2005 IntF.doc explains how to use them. You will find it in \Install SDDS-2005\Papers.

SDDS-2005 is free for download for non-commercial use. Our source code is also available for your further research, upon request. The earlier version V 1.0 of the prototype was supported by Grants from HPL, IBM-Almaden Storage System Division and Microsoft Research. The current partial support for Version 1.1. comes from Microsoft Research and from CEE-ICONS Program. 

You may install any number of SDDS-2005 V 1.1 clients and servers. We would love to hear of your large experiments, impossible at our modest configuration. Every application scaling an SDDS on 10**k servers for the first time ever, will win our SDDS Scalability Prize of Order k. It will materialize to the recipient in the form of 2**k Dom Pérignon Champagne bottles. In case you were not aware, Dom Pérignon was the monk-researcher who has invented The Champagne. We hope the invitation for the cork pulling. 



Diéne A. Performance Measurements of RP*: A Scalable Distributed Data Structure from Range Partionning. 2000 Intl Conf on Information Society in the 21st century. Emerging Techn and new Challenges. Aizu. Japan 2000. pdf

Mokadem R.. Litwin W, T Schwartz Disk Backup Through Algebraic Signatures inScalable and Distributed Data Structures", Proceedings of the Fifth  Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, Thessaloniki, June 2003 (WDAS 2003)

W Litwin, Th. Schwartz Algerbric Signatures for Scalable Distributed Data Structures. IEEE Intl. Conf. On Data

 Enginnering 2004 (ICDE 2004)

W Litwin, R.Mokadem & Th.Schwarz.  Pre-computed Algebraic Signatures for faster string search. Protection against incidental viewing and corruption of Data in an SDDS. Proceeding of third international workshop and co-located with  the 31st international conference on very large data bases (DBISP2P 2005). Trondheim, Norway. August 2005.


External Funding: HP Laboratories, IBM Research(Almaden), Microsoft Research, Microsoft BARC, CEE Icons



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Download SDDS-2005 V 1.1(Zip File: 14 MB)


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Copyright® 2005 – CERIA, University Paris 9 Dauphine. Last Modified: Dec 08, 2005.