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Publications récentes de membres du Laboratoire         


Witold Litwin


  1. W. Litwin, J. Menon, T. Risch. LH* with Scalable Availability. Res. Rep. CERIA & U. Linkoping (Oct. 1998). To app. Also as IBM Res. Rep.
  2. W. Litwin. Hashing for Distributed Systems. Encyclopedia of Distributed Computing. J. Urban (ed.) Morgan-Kaufman. (to. app.)
  3. W. Litwin, Karlsson, J. Risch, T.LH*lh: A Scalable High Performance Data Structure for Switched Multicomputers. Intl. Conf. on Extending Database Technology, EDBT-96, Avignon, March 1996.
  4. W. Litwin, M-A Neimat, D. Schneider. LH* - A Scalable Distributed Data Structure. ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems. December 1996.
  5. W. Litwin, Stonebraker, M. & al., An Economic Paradigm for Query Processing and Data Migration in Mariposa. The VLDB Journal. Vol 5, 1, Jan. 1996.
  6. W. Litwin. Linear Hashing : a new tool for file and tables addressing. Reprint from VLDB-80. READINGS IN DATABASES. 2-nd ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1994. Stonebraker , M.(Ed.). Note : the papers collected in this book are considered by the editor as the most significant in the database area for the last twenty years.

Autres : SDDS-bibliograhie.html


Gerard Levy


  1. G. Levy, W. Litwin, M-A Neimat, G.Levy, S. Ndiaye, T. Seck. LH*S : a high-availability and high-security Scalable Distributed Data Structure. IEEE-Res. Issues in Data Eng. (RIDE-97), 1997.
  2. G. Levy. Algorithmique Combinatoire. Dunod, 1995.
  3. G. Levy. W. Litwin, Roussopoulos, N. , Levy, G., Wang, H. Trie Hashing with Controlled Load. IEEE Transactions on Software Eng., 17, 7 (July 1991), 678 - 691.


Fehti Bennour


  1. Bennour, F. Conception et Implémentation d’un Système de Communication entre les Serveurs et les Clients d’une SDDS sous Windows NT. Mémoire de DEA. U. Paris 9, 1996.


Claudine Toffolon

  1. Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.: "A Framework for Software Engineering Inconsistencies Analysis and Reduction",  Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC’98), Vienna, Austria, August 19-21, 1998, pp. 270-277.
  2. Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.: "Software Artifacts Reuse and Maintenance: An Organizational Framework", Second IEEE Euromicro Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, (IEEE-CSMR’98), Florence, Italy, March 9- 11, 1998, pp. 228-233.
  3. Toffolon C., Dakhli, S. "A Three Layers Software Development Method: Foundations and Definitions", Third IEEE Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, IEEE-(ICECCS’97), Como, Italy, Sept. 8-12, 1997, pp. 162-172.
  4. Toffolon C., Dakhli S. : "Decision-Making Process Improvement: A Framework Based on the Option-Pricing Theory", International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA’99), Vienna, Austria, February 17-19, 1999.
  5. Toffolon C, Dakhli S: "Software Reusable Artifacts Evolution : A Three Level Abstraction Framework ",  9th Annual International Symposium of The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE 99), Brighton, England, June 6-10, 1999.

Autres: Listepub.html





  1. Ndiaye S.. Litwin, W. Lévy, G. Seck M.T. et Diène A.W.. Implémentation des structures de données distribuées et scalables RP*. CARI’98 Dakar, Sénégal.
  2. S. Ndiaye Litwin, W. et Seck M.T. LH*S : a High availability and High security Scalable Distributed Data Structure. RIDE, April 8-9 1997, Birmingham, UK
  3. Ndiaye S.. G. Lévy, W.Litwin, M.T.Seck Courbes de Gray et fichiers multiclés. et CARI’96 Libreville, Gabon.
  4. Ndiaye S.. Y.Gningue, S. Gueye-Diagne Linear cost function for programming models in Water Pollution Control. ASAC,96 Montréal 1996
  5. Ndiaye S..Courbes remplissant l’espace et bases de données spatiales CARI’94 Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso