Computer Games Workshop at ECAI 2012, one day: Monday 27 August 2012


A workshop on computer games is to be held at ECAI 2012 in Montpellier. The topics of the workshop concern all aspects of artificial intelligence for computer games. This includes :

Schedule for Monday 27 August 2012

9:00-9:30 Beam Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation, Tristan Cazenave, Fabien Teytaud

9:30-10:00 A new self-acquired knowledge process for Monte Carlo Tree Search, André Fabbri, Frédéric Armetta, Eric Duchêne, Salima Hassas

10:00-10:30 Detecting cheating activities in online duplicate Bridge game tournaments: first results, Sylvain Lagrue, Karim Tabia

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 Sparse Sampling for Adversarial Games, Marc Lanctot, Abdallah Saffidine, Joel Veness, Chris Archibald

11:30-12:00 An Overview of Search Techniques in Multi-Player Games, J. (Pim) A. M. Nijssen, Mark H. M. Winands

12:00-12:30 Heuristics and Fishing in Scrabble, Alejandro González Romero, René Alquézar, Arturo Ramírez Flores, Francisco González Acuña

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-14:30 Model Checking Games in GDL-II, Ji Ruan, Michael Thielscher

14:30-15:00 A General Multi-Agent Modal Logic K Framework for Game Tree Search, Abdallah Saffidine, Tristan Cazenave

15:00-15:30 An Analysis of Voting Algorithm in Games, Yuichiro Sato, Alessandro Cincotti, Hiroyuki Iida

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:30 A Bayesian Tactician, Gabriel Synnaeve, Pierre Bessière

16:30-17:00 Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the Simultaneous Move Game Tron, Niek G.P. Den Teuling, Mark H.M. Winands

Potential participants

There are multiple groups working on games in Europe, an incomplete and arbitrary list includes groups in Maastricht University, Tilburg University, Reykjavik University, Madrid University, University of Essex, University of Bremen, University of Ljubljana, Lille University and Paris University, plus a few others.

Similar workshops that happened in similar conferences include the GIGA workshops on general game playing that took place at IJCAI 2011 and IJCAI 2009 : GIGA 2011 and GIGA 2009

Important dates

Extended Paper Submission Deadline: 4 June 2012

Acceptance Notification: 28 June 2012

Final Papers: 6 July 2012

Paper Submission Requirements

Papers of 8 to 12 pages in LNCS format are preferred. The file format for submission is PDF. Submitted papers should be sent to


Participants are required to register for the ECAI conference and for the workshop.

Program Committee

Yngvi Björnsson

Bruno Bouzy

Tristan Cazenave (chair)

Rémi Coulom

Stefan Edelkamp

Nicolas Jouandeau

Peter Kissmann

Sylvain Lagrue

Jean Méhat (co-chair)

Abdallah Saffidine

Maarten Schadd

Eric Sopena

Fabien Teytaud

Olivier Teytaud

Mark Winands (co-chair)

Mini CV of the chairman

Tristan Cazenave is professor of computer science at LAMSADE, University Paris-Dauphine. He co-organized the 2011 BIRS workshop on combinatorial game theory and the 2010 Board Games Studies conference. He has written more than a hundred papers on artificial intelligence for computer games.