Publications récentes ou sélectionnées de membres du Laboratoire

Witold Litwin

1.       S. Jajodia, W. Litwin & Th. Schwarz. LH*RE: A Scalable Distributed Data Structure with Recoverable Encryption. Research Report CERIA-CSIS-SCU. Dec 2009. pdf

2.       W. Litwin & Th. Schwarz. Top k Knapsack Joins. Work in Progress. On-Line Res. Rep. CERIA 2009-7-5, July 2009. pdf , U. Uppsala Talk Ppt

3.       S. Jajodia, W. Litwin & Th. Schwarz. LH*RE with Cached Encryption Keys: A Scalable Distributed Data Structure with Recoverable Encryption. pdf

4.       C. du Mouza, W. Litwin, Ph. Rigaux, Th. Schwarz. AS-Index: A Structure For String Search Using n-grams and Algebraic Signatures. Res. Report CERIA - Lamsade - Santa Clara U.   April 2008. pdf

5.       W Litwin, R Mokadem, P Rigaux, T Schwarz Fast n_Gram Based String Search Over Data Encoded Using Algebraic Signatures. Ceria Research Report. 21.3.2007. pdf

1.       W Litwin, R Mokadem, P Rigaux, T Schwarz: Pattern Matching Using Cumulative Algebraic Signatures and n-gram Sampling. ppt

2.       W. Litwin Structured Relational Views Using Multi-Query GROUP BY. Short Note, 27 May 2006. pdf

3.       W. Litwin. Galois Connections, T-CUBES & Data Mining. CERIA Research Report 2005-05-15, May 2005.pdf  See also: Third Intl. VLDB Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P2005). Post-proceedings by Springer Verlag.

4.       W. Litwin, R. Mokadem. Th. Schwarz. Pre-computed Algebraic Signatures for Faster String Search, Protection Against Incidental Viewing and Corruption of Data in an SDDS. CERIA Research Report 2004-10-23. October 23, 2004..pdf

5.       W Litwin, R. Moussa, T Schwartz LH*RS – A Highly-Available Scalable Distributed Data Structure. CERIA Researh Report 2004-04-02, April 2004. pdf. Revised and extended version to app. in ACM-TODS, Sept. 2005.

6.       W Litwin, Th. Schwartz Algerbric Signatures for Scalable Distributed Data Structures. IEEE Intl. Conf. On Data Enginnering 2004 (ICDE 2004) also CERIA Research Report2002-09-22pdf

7.       W. Litwin., . Xin Q., Miller E., Schwarz T., Long D., Brandt S.. Reliability Mechanisms for Very Large Storage Systems. Conf on Mass Storage system, San Diego, USA, April 2003. pdf

8.       W. Litwin..Risch, T., & Schwarz, Th.. An Architecture for a Scalable Distributed DBS: Application to SQL Server 2000. 2ndIntl. Workshop on Cooperative Internet Computing (VLDB-CIC 2002), August, 2002, Hong Kongpdf

9.       W. Litwin.EXPLICIT AND IMPLICIT LIST AGGREGATE FUNCTION FOR RELATIONAL DATABASES. IASTED Intl. Conf on Databases and Applications, Feb. 17-19, Austria 2004, pdf ppt

10.    W. Litwin.. Case for Explicit and Implicit LIST Aggregate Function for Relational Databases. CERIA Research Report2003-10-01, Oct. 2003, pdf.

11.    W. Litwin. The LIST Aggregate Function for Relational Databases. CERIA Research Report2003-06-09, June 2003. pdf

12.    W Litwin, R Mokadem, T Schwarz, S.J.: "Disk Backup Through Algebraic Signatures inScalable and Distributed Data Structures", Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, Thessaloniki, June 2003 (WDAS 2003) .pdf Presentation .ptt

13.    W. Litwin, P. Scheuermann, Th. Schwarz.Evicting SDDS-2000 Buckets in RAM to the DiskCERIAResearch Report 2002-07-24pdf

14.    W. Litwin, T. Risch, Th. Schwarz An Architecture for a Scalable Distributed DBS:Application to SQL Server 2000. 2nd Intl. Workshop on Cooperative Internet Computing (VLDB-CIC 2002), August, 2002, Hong Kong pdf

15.    W. Litwin, T. Risch. LH*g : a High-availability Scalable Distributed Data Structure by Record Grouping. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. June 2002.

16.    W. Litwin.Distributed, heterogeneous, federated databases. Handbook of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Willi Kloesgen and Jan Zytkow, ed.Oxford University Press, 2002

17.    W. Litwin, .Thomas J.E. Schwarz, S.J..LH*RS: A High-Availability Scalable Distributed Data Structure using Reed Solomon Codes ACM-SIGMOD-2000Intl. Conf. On Management of Data. 

18.    W. Litwin, J. Menon, T. Risch. LH* with Scalable Availability. Res. Rep. CERIA & U. Linkoping(Oct. 1998).AlsoIBM Almaden Res. Rep. 

19.    W. Litwin.Hashing for Distributed Systems.Encyclopedia of Distributed Computing. J. Urban (ed.) Morgan-Kaufman, 2002. 

20.    W. Litwin, Karlsson, J. Risch, T.LH*lh: A Scalable High Performance Data Structure for Switched Multicomputers. Intl. Conf. on Extending Database Technology, EDBT-96, Avignon, March 1996.

21.    W. Litwin, M-A Neimat, D. Schneider. LH* - A Scalable Distributed Data Structure.ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems. December 1996. 

22.    W. Litwin, Stonebraker, M. & al., An Economic Paradigm for Query Processing and Data Migration in Mariposa.The VLDB Journal. Vol 5, 1, Jan. 1996.

Autres : SDDS-bibliograhie.html ;Publications.html

Gerard Levy

1.       G. Levy, W. Litwin,M-A Neimat, S. Ndiaye, T. Seck. LH*S : a high-availability and high-security Scalable Distributed Data Structure. IEEE-Res. Issues in Data Eng. (RIDE-97), 1997.

2.       G. Levy. Algorithmique Combinatoire. Dunod, 1995.

3.       G. Levy. W. Litwin,Roussopoulos, N. ,Levy, G.,Wang,H. Trie Hashing with Controlled Load.IEEE Transactions on Software Eng., 17, 7 (July 1991), 678 - 691. 


1.       Soror Sahri, Witold Litwin, Thomas Schwartz, Architecture and Interface of Scalable Distributed Database System SD-SQL Server”.  The Intl. Ass. of Science and Technology for Development Conf. on Databases and Applications, IASTED-DBA 2006, to appear.

2.       Soror SahriWitold Litwin, Thomas Schwartz, “Overview of Scalable Distributed Database System SD-SQL Server”, Intl. Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, WDAS 2006, Santa Clara, CA, Carleton Scientific (to appear).      

3.       Soror Sahri, Witold Litwin, Thomas Schwartz, “SD-SQL Server: a Scalable Distributed Database System ”, CERIA Research Report 2005-12-13, December 2005 (pdf).

4.       Soror Sahri, “SD-SQL server: a Scalable Distributed Database System”, The Dutch Belgian Database Day workshop, DBDBD 2005, Amsterdam.

5.       Soror SahriWitold Litwin, Thomas Schwartz, “Architecture and Interface of Scalable Distributed Database System SD-SQL Server”CERIA Research Report 2005-10-05, October 2005 (pdf).

6.       Soror SahriWitold Litwin, “SD-SQL Server: a Scalable Distributed Database System”CERIA Research Report 2005-03-05, March 2005 (pdf).

7.       Soror SahriWitold Litwin, “Implementing SD-SQL Server: a Scalable Distributed Database System”, Intl. Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, WDAS 2004, Lausanne, Carleton Scientific (publ.), (pdf).

8.       Présentation du prototype SD SQL Server  (pdf).




  1-   W Litwin, R Mokadem, P Rigaux, T Schwarz Fast n_Gram Based String Search Over Data Encoded Using Algebraic Signatures. Ceria Research Report. 21.3.2007. pdf


2-       W Litwin, R.Mokadem & Th.Schwarz.  Cumulative Algebraic Signatures for fast string search. Protection against   incidental viewing and corruption of Data in an SDDS. Springer in LNCS series. Proceeding DBISP2P 2005).

3-       W Litwin, R Mokadem, P Rigaux, T Schwarz. Pattern Matching Using Cumulative Algebraic Signatures and n-gram Sampling  . . 3rd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems W05 - GLOBE '06. Krakow, Poland 4 - 8 September 2006 ppt

4-       W Litwin, R.Mokadem & Th.Schwarz.  Pre-computed Algebraic Signatures for faster string search. Protection against incidental viewing and corruption of Data in an SDDS. Proceeding of third international workshop and co-located with  the 31st international conference on VLDB Very Large Data Bases (DBISP2P 2005). Trondheim, Norway. August 2005.pdf 


5-       Pre-computed Algebraic Signatures for Faster String Search, Protection Against Incidental Viewing and Corruption of Data in an SDDS. CERIA Research Report 2004-10-23. October 23, 2004. W. Litwin, R. Mokadem. Th. Schwarz.


6-       Disk Backup Through Algebraic Signatures inScalable and Distributed Data Structures", Proceedings of the Fifth  Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, Thessaloniki, June 2003 (WDAS 2003).pdf


7-       Présentation Prototype SDDS2005Sdds2005.ppt


8-       R Mokadem, W Litwin. String Matching and Update through Algebraic Signatures in Scalable and Distributed Data Structures. 3rd International Workshop on "P2P Data Management, Security and Trust (PDMST'06)" Krakow, Poland 4 - 8 September 2006


9-       String Matching and Update through Algebraic Signatures in Scalable and Distributed Data Structures.Riad MOKADEM CERIA Research Report 2005-4-20CERIA Research Report 2004-10-23 Riad\article2wl3.pdf  


10-   Differential Compression Using Cumulative Algebraic Signatures in An SDDS. W.Litwin, R Mokadem, T Schwarz. Ceria Research Report 2005-3-26


11-   Pattern Matching Using Cumulative Algebraic Signatures and n-gram Sampling, Ceria Research Report 2006-3-26 .doc


Fehti Bennour

1.       Bennour, F. Conception et Implémentation d’un Système de Communication entre les Serveurs et les Clients d’une SDDS sous Windows NT. Mémoire de DEA. U. Paris 9, 1996.


Claudine Toffolon

1.       Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.A Framework for Software Engineering Inconsistencies Analysis and Reduction. Comp. Soft. & Appl. Conf. COMPSAC'98, 1998.

2.       Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.Software Artifacts Reuse and Maintenance: An Organizational Framework. IEEE-CSMR'98, Florence, Italie, 1998.

3.       Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.A three layers Software Development Method: Foundations and Definition

4.       Toffolon C., Dakhli, S.Software evaluation and control: a framework of software engineering meta-process. Europ. Soft. Contr. & Metrics Conf. ESCOM/ENCRESS'98, Rome, 1998

5.       Toffolon C.. Software risks analysis and evaluation using an econometric « logit model ». Europ. Soft. Contr. & Metrics Conf. ESCOM/ENCRESS'98, Rome, 1998




1.       Ndiaye S.. Litwin, W. Lévy, G. SeckM.T. et Diène A.W.. Implémentation des structures de données distribuées et scalables RP*. CARI’98 Dakar, Sénégal.

2.       S. NdiayeLitwin, W. et SeckM.T. LH*S : a High availability and High security Scalable Distributed Data Structure. RIDE, April 8-9 1997, Birmingham, UK

3.       Ndiaye S.. G. Lévy, W.Litwin, M.T.SeckCourbes de Gray et fichiers multiclés. etCARI’96 Libreville, Gabon.

4.       Ndiaye S.. Y.Gningue, S. Gueye-DiagneLinear cost function for programming models in Water Pollution Control. ASAC,96 Montréal 1996

5.       Ndiaye S..Courbes remplissant l’espace et bases de données spatiales CARI’94 Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso